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Don Wells Thank You To The Donors of the Reward Fund

Letter from Don Wells thanking the Donors of the Reward Fund which was set up to help find Summer Moon-Utah Wells. Letter text : July 27, 2022 spell checked from original.

"We wanted to thank everyone who donated to the reward fund in the hopes of bringing our precious daughter back home and we can assure you she is worth everything to us and more as she loves everyone, is blameless, and deserves to be in school with her peers becoming a young lady. It kills us to think about what she might be going through.

We know those who have donated and so many others feel the same so thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

And for those in media who do their job with a heart, thank you very much and God bless.

As we wander through this trail of tears remember,

God wandered in the desert with the Israelites for 40 years.

God told Moses, "I'll send an angel have no fear.",

Moses said, "Lord no please I need You near."

Poem by Donny Wells

Summer Wells earthly father "

NEWS MEDIA : Permissions : This letter may be used 'as is' in its full form. Letter Url for download :


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